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Comprehensive Management Training For
Healthcare Professionals

Comprehensive Management Training For
Healthcare Professionals

What is a 360 Solution ?

360 solution is the ultimate training program designed specifically for solo private dental clinics and also dental group practices with multiple locations. The program is designed to help your clinic to reach its next level of growth, while helping you build a more efficient, and a more profitable clinic. If you are serious about building a highly successful dental enterprise as your lasting legacy or prepare your company for expansion, growth, sale or initial public offering in the stock exchange, you will want to register for this program.


(DAY 1)

Leadership- Building a strong dental company that can run without you being there.

Leadership is not about a title or a position. True leadership cannot be assigned, awarded or appointed. Leadership is about influence and for employees to become motivated and to carry out the company’s vision, they need to be influenced by their leaders and not managed by them. This is the area where most companies fail to recognize. Companies recruit managers that are good at maintaining systems and processes. Once hired, companies develop their talents and skills by investing in their education and providing them both inhouse and outside training . They award them impressive titles without realizing that people who look up to these titled leaders will only follow them temporarily unless they are influenced by them. CORE I , will focus on developing your leadership skills as well as the key people and managers of your clinics. The program will teach your how to use influence rather than authority or force to motivate your employees including your dentists. You will learn the foundational laws of leadership as it is taught in most fortune 500 companies and you will have an opportunity to mastermind what learn with other participants. The program will end by teaching you how to develop employees that can run your clinics without you having to watch over them and how to achieve exponential growth with your clinics


(DAY 2)

Internal Marketing of a Dental Clinic for More Profit

Many dental clinics are very good at attracting patient to their clinics through various external marketing methods. However, most dental clinics fail at internal marketing activities and as a result, the clinics become a revolving door where patients come in and get minimum amount of dental work done and then disappear from the dental clinic, sometimes going to another clinic. In this full day program, you will learn how the phases involved in internal marketing and how the dentist and the employees can each build high level of value for each patient, gain, their trust and loyalty so each patient is willing to do spend more money on elective dental services. The program will teach you and your team about the sales process in a dental clinic and how you can promote more of your elective dental services such as cosmetic dentistry and dental implants within your clinic. The participants will learn how effective internal marketing can help you outperform your competitors and how you can earn as much as 20X per hour than other dental clinics. Participants will have the opportunity to role play and practice the teachings so they can apply it immediately in their clinics following day.

“Dr. Allen is truly a hands-on clinician and teaches principals based on actual experience and not theory. His passion for teaching dentists how to become more productive and become the best they can be in pursuit of their dreams has helped me become a better and a richer dentist.”

Dr. Robert Nash

(DAY 1)

Communicating and Connecting more effectively with employees and patients

Nothing will connect people better than finding a common ground, keeping communications simple, capturing people’s interest and inspiring them by adding value to win them over. No matter if you are communicating with other dentists, your managers, employees or patients ,if you are just interested in making more friends and expand your network of influence, knowing how to connect with people is the key to success and that one element alone will set you apart from the rest of the people. No matter what size your dental clinic is or how many employees you manage or how many patients you come in contact with, if you are dealing with people, this course is guaranteed to take your communication skills and your influencing capabilities with people to the next level.

  • Learn top 4 reasons that why connecting with people increases your influence with them

  • Identify the key elements that separates high producers in dentistry from low producers and how to use that to your advantage

  • The 3 questions that anyone you meet will be asking about you in their mind and how knowing those questions will help you strategize your conversation properly in every situation

  • Lean how to connect with people beyond words on four levels, Visually, Intellectually, Emotionally and Verbally

  • How to connect with people on different occasions, One-On-One, in a Group, or as an Audience

  • The ten useful tips to use in social gatherings to connect with people Understanding what makes patients and employees listen to you?

  • Learn what barriers you need to overcome personally in order to find common grounds with people?

  • Learn the qualities you need to portray in order to connect with people on common grounds

  • How to keep your communication simple across different cultures

  • Learn what can you make interesting to others?

  • Learn why in order to win with people, you must start with yourself

  • How to build rapport and immediate connection with people within the first 30 second

  • Learn how to increase the values of others in a group and build their image

  • Why saying the right words at the right time encourages people and make them loyal to you and your clinic

  • The things you can do for people that thy cannot do for themselves to win them over for life

  • Becoming intentional about adding value to people at every occasion

“I never knew it is possible for patients to ask me for the work they wanted rather than my staff and I convincing them that they need to have a smile make-over. The program is worth every euro as I have recovered 1000X over.”

Dr. Alex Hashemi


(DAY 2)

Finding out what patients want to buy through effective communication.

Many dental clinics like to provide their patients more elective types of dentistry, such as dental implants and cosmetic dentistry. However, when they approach the patients with these type of services, most of the time, they are faced with resistance from the patients and many patients feel as if they are being over sold. Learning how to communicate with patients based on what a patient “wants” rather than what the patient “needs “ is essential for those clinics that want to do more cosmetic and implant dentistry.

You will be able to learn on how to discover what your patients want and formulate a comprehensive treatment plan that patients are willing to pay for it. The participants will learn the type of questions that they need to ask at each scenario and communicate with their patients more effectively while connecting to them.

• Learn the psychology of dental patients and why the buy what they buy

• Why communicating a dental treatment plan based on “fear” or “ need” does not work in presenting complete and elective dentistry?

• How to help patients discover what they want and let them sell themselves?

• Why communicating too much technical dentistry can kill your presentation?

• The steps necessary in communicating a complex treatment plan with patients

• How for your team needs communicate with patient about you your services in order promote the clinic and its services?

• Why people make an emotional buy and why 85% of patients are not price shoppers?

• Why dentists are their own worst enemies and think patients can not afford it?


(DAY 1)

Getting the most out of your employees by building strong teams.

In business everyone understands the importance of having teams to achieve greatness. However, most company owners, executives and managers cannot explain the dynamics of putting a winning team together. Even sport teams that win world championships, have a difficult time explaining the mechanics that wins them championship title one year and accepting defeat the following year. Whether you are team leader or a team member, understanding the characteristics of a winning team, will allow you to achieve greatness in whatever it is that you do. Not knowing these principals, are like driving home at night with your car’s headlights off, as you could encounter any number of surprises that will lead your team not to reach its maximum potential. In this program, participants will learn the principals used by teams that have achieved championships and they will learn how to recruit, retain, evaluate, grow and sometimes trade off team members in operating dental clinics. If you are looking to get the most out of your team members and build a team chemistry that multiplies your team’s productivity & efforts, then you must learn and recognize the timeless and classic laws of team work.


(DAY 2)

How an effective dental team can make more money for your clinic?

A strong dental team, not only will reduce the daily stress in a clinic but a they also will know how to constantly promote the dentist, the clinic as well as the services are being offered by the clinic. In this program, you and your team will learn how to operate as one team with one vision and purpose as well as how to make the clinic more profitable.

You will learn:

• How to become a better better team leader and how to position your star players in the right position

• Learn how to create common goals among your team when they come in contact with each patient

• Learn about job descriptions and write a well defined JD for each team member

• Find out about best methods to incentivize employees so they can perform better

• How to build systems of accountability for each member and how to use that to evaluate your team on regular basis

• Discuss ways to develop your team for higher productivity

• Learn how to avoid the competition from stealing your employees

• Dealing with your dental associates and the roles of GP dentists vs. Specialists

• Learn the minimum reports that you need to have to evaluate every dentist’s performance

• How to make each dentist accountable for their own team.

“My regret is that I did not attend the program with my dental team as it is essential for any team to know the rules of engagement for a high performing practice. I cannot wait until Dr. Allen returns to Las Vegas for another program. Dr. Ruth Mercedes Estrada


(DAY 1 Lecture)

(DAY 2 Role Play )

Increasing your profit margin and create loyalty to your brand through exceptional customer service- The Ritz-Carlton way

No matter how competent your company is in providing dental care to patients, or how beautiful your clinic is designed, without understanding your patients’ behavior and customer service, your clinic will never be able to sustain competitiveness in the marketplace. Many clinics compete on price, spend more money on bigger ads to attract new patients and completely ignore their existing patient by providing bad level of customer service. In this fun and exciting two day program, you and your team will learn the principals of exceptional customer service and how the Ritz Carlton Hotels have been able to implement exceptional level of customer service among all of our the employees. The program is designed to help clinics and their employees to embrace customer service experience mentality from the first point of contact a customer makes with the clinic all the way through their post treatment journey. The training will also highlight customer service experience taught at Four Seasons Hotels, Nordstrom ,Starbucks and Disneyland. Your employees will learn how these companies have been able to earn the recognition, trust and loyalty to their brands. Your team will have the tools to master the exceptional levels of customer service at every encounter with patients. They will also learn 25 ways to win with every patient and how their level of customer service can influence your patients’ treatment decisions. On the 2nd day of the program, your team will learn how to provide exceptional level of customer service through various customer service training games and role play.


The 360 Dental Clinic Management is the only comprehensive management program available anywhere that prepares dental clinics and hospitals for management through increased efficiency and higher profitability. The program is divided in 4 cores (I-IV) each core consisting of two days training. The first day of the core is designed to teach company leaders and managers the principals of leadership, management, communication, branding, and customer service skills as taught at world leading companies, and the second day is specifically customized for dental teams and patients. The program is guaranteed to take your leadership and management skills to the next level and help you build a strong leading dental company for long-term growth or higher valuation for sale or initial public offering. The cores can be registered as a stand-alone or as a comprehensive program. To achieve outstanding results with your clinic, it is highly recommended that you sign up your entire dental team for the entire curriculum.

Core 1- Leadership. 2 days

Registration Price:

Core 2- Communication.2 days

Registration Price:

Core 1- Team Building. 2 days

Registration Price:

Core 1- Customer Service 2 days

Registration Price:

10% Discount when you sign up for Core 1-4

Registration Price:

The price includes, course registration fee, meals each day, all course materials and handouts, interoperation services, wall certificates of completion.

About the Speaker, Coach & Mentor

Dr. Allen Nazeri is the CEO/Founder of Business Mastermind Group based in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Dubai & Las Vegas, Chairman of 360 I Can International Co; Ltd. Dr. Allen is a certified business coach, trainer and international speaker and an expert in the field of leadership with the John Maxwell Team. For nearly 25 years, Dr. Allen practiced Cosmetic Reconstructive Implant Dentistry in USA and has worked on some of the most influential leaders in the world such as Mr. Bill Gates, Dennis Washington, Elizabeth Koch, Ralph Brunette, Andre Agassi, Dr. Wayne Dyer and many confidential super models and hollywood celebrities. Dr. Allen has a certificate in prosthodontic and implant dentistry, is a fellow and a master at International Congress of Implantology. He has been trained and mentored personally by Drs. Gordon Christiansen, Frank Spear, Carl Misch, Bill Dickerson, Bill Blatchford. Dr. Allen has owned and operated 15 dental clinics and has been the director of education and training for a 300 location group dental practice in USA. He has been involved in consulting hundreds of clients from start up phase all the way through public listings and had also been a catalyst in securing private equity funding for many large dental groups both in Asia and USA. Dr. Allen has trained over 2000 dentists and team members since 2001 in the areas of exceptional practice management and highly skilled case presentation skills. Dr. Allen has completed leadership and customer service training at John Maxwell Leadership Center, The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center as well as The Disney Institute. He is an author of 2 books, “Smart Spending on Your Teeth”, A blue print to successful dental treatment as well as “152 Tips to Practice Smarter.” Dr. Allen and his practice philosophy has been featured on ABC, NBC, CNN TV networks as well as industry magazines such as Dental Town and Dental One.

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